Office is located at
558 Roosevelt Ave.
Central Falls RI 02863 to do Paperwork and Payments
first come first serve
Prices are each month (discounts cannot be combined) and they expire
Must pay prorated month and first month up front with any other fees.
Discounts are for the first 2 FULL MONTHS ONLY
Discounts are on the first and only rented unit ONLY.
If you are late discounts will be removed and you will pay full price of the unit.
Must have a lock or purchase a lock at time of rental or our lock remains on till you provide a lock.
Call facility for availability - this site is not linked to our system it is a third party advertising site.
Units are rented daily so availability is not guaranteed.
Absolute Lowest Rates in RI...Guaranteed
Covered, Heated & Lighted Loading Docks
Parking for all Vehicle Types on asphalt
Climate controlled Interior Units under 88 Degrees and not under 32 Degrees
Tractor-Trailer Accessible
After-Hour Access (24-Hour Available) with Monthly payment and approval NOT Granted to Everyone. Reason needs to be proved.
Basement and 1st Floor Additional 10.00
Prices may vary per Locations and Floor Levels and Availability
Discounts may not be combined at any time.
All discounts do expire. Rates do Increase at times Notices posted threw out the facilities Months prior to increase (See Contract)
Additional unit sizes available
Admin and or Deposit fees may apply
Additional Services Available
Prices are Unbeatable
Prorated on the way in Not on the way out NO Money returned if prepaid.
If we terminate you rental for non compliance , No return of Money is provided.,
When moving out you must move out prior the last working day of the month, Not to be charge the entire next months rent. Signature required upon move out.
Rent is month to month
If there are 2 discounts listed you only receive one Special
first come first serve, but we will try to accommodate all your needs.
No Trash left Behind at All. What you bring needs to be taken with you at move out.